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CAOS 2024 Full program

June 19 - 22, 2024 Groningen, the Netherlands
Workshops Wednesday 19 June

Wednesday June 19

Hands-on workshops

13:00 pm
Workshop Medical Device Regulation (MDR): 

Patient specific protheses, plans and workflows, managing conformity under MDR.



Prof.dr.ir. Gabrielle Tuijthof
13:00 pm
Workshop Artificial Intelligence (AI): hands-on

How to use complex neural networsk for detection and classification of radiographs. Where do you start?


Rik Wisseling
13:00 pm
Workshop Computer Assistend Surgery (CAS): hands-on
Digital planning and execution ustin the Brainlab CAS system

Imagebased for spine, trauma, oncology or complex orthopedics. 


Dr. Jasper Gerbers
14:30 pm
Workshop medCAD: Hands-on
Digital planning using Materialise mimics/3matic. 

From case and CT to self made PSIs and plate planning + guide.  Also using hololens. 


Ir. Miriam Oldhoff
14:30 pm
Workshop Trauma



Dr. Frank IJpma
14:30 pm
2nd Round workshops is necessary




To be announced
16:15 pm
Focus Group Oncology:
AI, algorithms and assisted planning: a new frontier
  • Radiomics for classification and diagnosis of bone laesions/sarcoma – Dr. Salvatore Gitto
  • Automated and interactive osteotomy planning in complex femoral deformity (Shepards Crook) – Ir. Felix Dikland
  • Patient specific, FEA based, risk assessment tool for femoral bone metastasis (BOS) – Dr. Edwin Dierselhuis
  • Case discussions


To be announced
16:15 pm
Focus Group Applied Biomechanics:
Collaboration through shared databases and challenges


To be announced
16:15 pm
Focus Group Robotics 
To be announced
16:15 pm
Focus Group Standard operating procedures for digital OR


To be announced
16:15 pm
Focus Group Ultrasound & AI


To be announced

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