Exhibition / Sponsorship
CAOS 2024 Groningen thanks the following companies for their support of this conference.
We hope that you, as a participant, will show interest in what they have to offer and visit their booth.
Thank you in advance for your cooperation. After all, without their support, organizing this conference would not be possible.

Featured Talks & Speakers
We are proud to present the following keynote lecturers.

Prof.dr.ir. Stefano Stramigioli
Professor in Advanced Robotics
University of Twente, The Netherlands

Dr. Prakash Jayakumar
Assistant Professor of Surgery Director of Value Based Health Care and Outcome Measurement
The University of Texas at Austin, Dell Medical School

Prof.dr. Ruurd Jaarsma
Director of Orthopaedic Training
Flinders University Adelaide, Australia

Dr. Frank IJpma
Trauma Surgeon
University Medical Center Groningen

Prof.dr. Sarthak Misra
Full professor surgical robotics,
University of Twente, The Netherlands

Elvis Chui Chun Sing
AI in Orthopaedics
Chinese University of Hong Kong